The Department of Labour and Employment services wishes to advices that as of today onwards all renewal application of Employment visa has to be made through the MIDAS online portal. Reason being that the technical issues thath the system has experienced after the 17 december 2024 earthquake have now been resolved and the system is now fully operational.
Download DirectiveThe purpose of this report is to get some high-level data from businesses that were severely affected by the December 17th Efate earthquake.
This survey focuses primarily on employment and will be followed by a more comprehensive survey and report that looks at the bigger picture, including for the entire country.
Download ReportThe Department of Labour and Employment Services deeply sympathizes with those who have lost their loved ones and those who have been injured during last year December 7.4 earthquake that struck the heart of Port Vila.
The Department further wishes to inform that it has taken a step forward in assessing the impacts through a business survey that has been conducted from 21 to 24 January 2025 in partnership with the Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), representing the Private Sector.
Download DirectiveThis notification serves to advise all Employers that Notice of Annual Returns for 2024 will be due at the end of April 2025.
You are all reminded that you have a legal obligation to provide to the Department of Labour & Employment Services your annual returns for the previous year.
The Annual Returns are statistical information of employment but not financial returns.
Download NoticeDue to the Covid-19 Community Transmission and respective measures for containment, lockdown and curfew measures, in March of this year 2022, the employer's Annual Returns to Department of Labour has been delayed from submission in time therefore the Department of Labour has decided to extend the due date to 1ST of June 2022.
Download Directive | EnglishThe global pandemic has severely affected the employment in our domestic market. Consequently, Businesses have closed and around 55 percent of formal workers have ceased regular contributions to the VNPF and evidence suggests that internal migration to rural areas has increased.
Download DirectiveThe Department of Labour and Employment Services wishes to advise that few changes will be added as conditions for the application for License for the year 2022 under the Labour Mobility programs to reflect the necessity of strengthening compliance with Labour Laws including but not limited to Seasonal Employment Act and Labour mobility national policies.
Download DirectiveThe Employement Vanautu portal is the best free existing online platform that creates visibility for Job Seekers & Employers in Vanuatu and, helps job seekers find jobs and employers find workers in Vanuatu.
This website has been developed by the Department of Labour and Employment Services under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In partnership with the Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Vanuatu Council of Trades Union, the website aims at making fully accessible the information on the Vanuatu’ job market.
NOTICE - The section of the Industrial Relations (IR) of employment disputes / complaints with Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) section will no longer receive any new complaints from 15th December 2020 to 15th January 2021Click Here for more information.
NOTIS - Section blong Industrial Relation (IR) blong ol complaint blong wok mo section blong Occupational Health mo Safety (OHS) Inomo risivim eni new complaint stat long 15th December 2020 kasem 15th January 2021.Click Here for more information.
This Notice is to advise all employers and non-citizens applying for a work permit that is effective from 1st of January 2021. All business house will have to pay the full work permit fees and taxes as follows;Click Here!!
This notification serves to advise all Employers of their legal obligation to provide to the Department of Labour and Employment Services their annual returns.
Read MoreAs you will recall the Minister (COM) at its meeting of monday 30th March 2020 has approved the Vanuatu Government recommended Financial & Economic Stimilus Package to all business houses in Vanuatu. Part of the support provided by the Government is the cancellation of taxes to Work Permit.
READ MORE HERERecognised Seasonal Employers and migrant seasonal workers stranded in New Zealand will be able to continue working and supporting themselves with more flexible hours and roles, says Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway.
The time-limited visa changes are:
Each year up to 14,400 workers, mainly from Pacific Island nations, arrive in New Zealand to fill seasonal labour shortages in the horticulture and viticulture industries.
Read MoreThe Department of Labour and Employment Services invites all members of the public including Private Stakeholders, Government Stakeholders, NGO’s and the members of Tripartite Body to provide their observations, critics and constructive comments on which position they think it should be added in the new reserved occupations list.
This consultation exercise will be carried out for a period of 6 months effective from 24th June 2020, the date it is gazetted.
All your comments can be directed to the following link:
Flights bringing in seasonal workers from New Zealand and stranded citizens and residents from Australia today are expected to be the final repatriation flights for the first phase.
There will be no repatriation flights until after July, Director of Foreign Affairs, Yvon Basil said.
A total of 1, 049 workers for the Recognized Seasonal Employer (RSE) Scheme in NZ are expected to be repatriated on the eight additional flights being operated by the Royal NZ Air Force since last Friday, said Director Basil. The last RSE repatriation flight is confirmed for today with the second flight from Australia bringing stranded citizens and residents.
All repatriates will undergo 14-days quarantine once they arrive in Port Vila.
A final New Zealand Defence Force flight will touch down in Port Vila late this morning carrying the last group of ni-Vanuatu RSE workers to be repatriated as part of the current effort.
The Governments of New Zealand and Vanuatu have worked with employers in New Zealand to bring home more than 1000 RSE workers over the last five days.
Preventing the spread of COVID to Vanuatu remains a key priority for both our Governments, and we are all working to ensure Vanuatu’s entry requirements are met. All workers underwent a health pre-screening before boarding their flight.
Below is a photo of Ni Vanuatu boarding the NZDF Boeing this morning and another showing the Boeing taking off bound for Vanuatu.
An Australian Government initiative that connects workers with rural and regional Australian businesses and supports the economic prosperity of nine Pacific islands and Timor-Leste.
For the latest government health advice, please visit the Department of Health coronavirus web page, or for the latest travel advice, visit the Smartraveller website.
For more information, advice and resources about COVID-19 for Pacific labour mobility employers and workers, please visit our Pacific labour mobility coronavirus page.
This notice serves to advise all Business House in Vanuatu on the management of COVID-19 package and the eligibility of the group of employees who can access the package. This directive was developed in partnership with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management.
Refer to Read more Option to see for further information.